Following a brief discussion about the relative merits of different brands
of scotch whiskey on the
mailing list,
decided that it would be a good idea to go to the store, buy a couple hundred
bucks worth of the stuff, and try them back to back.
So thats what we did. We went over to
Beverages & More
on friday night and returned to my house with about $300 worth of scotch
packed into the back of PeeWee's mustang.
On the ride back to the house, we thought it would be cool if we could
somehow set up a blind taste test of our haul, just to be sure that we weren't
being unconciously (or consiously as would be more likely) swayed by the price
of the bottle. Luckily for us, my wife
happens to be a scientist, and knows all about how to conduct blind studies.
She numbered each bottle and poured a sample of each into a numbered coffee
cup. She then brought the 11 sample cups into the room where we were shooting
pool so that we could sample them in any order we wanted. The samples were
straight from the bottle, no water added, although we did each have a glass of
water to drink with the sample. While we tried each one, we wrote down our
reactions (if any) to the samples. After we tried all of them, we chose our
favorite and our least favorite sample numbers. I ranked all of the samples
by dividing the group in half based on how much I initially liked the scotch,
then re-tested the samples back to back within each group to come up with a
final ordering. Peewee just chose his most and least favorites.
Once that was done, Rika let us know which samples came from which bottles.
At the end of the test, we poured the remainder of the scotch left in the eleven sample cups into one big cup, and added an ice cube. Here are the comments from our tasting panel:
"Rich and varied!"
"Very complex."
"Strangely good, with a hint of ass."
Update! I went to a scotch bar in Tokyo the other night, and had some wonderful scotch. I've got some pitures of them that I will post here later!